
A zero-install static site hosting service for hackers

The easiest way to deploy static sites on the web.

NOTICE: This is a premium pico+ service with a free tier (25mb total storage limit)

Features #

Demo #

pgs demo

Publish your site with one command #

When your site is ready to be published, copy the files to our server with a familiar command:

1rsync -rv public/

That's it! There's no need to formally create a project, we create them on-the-fly. Further, we provide TLS for every project automatically.

Manage your projects with a remote CLI #

Use our CLI to manage projects:

1ssh help

Regions # is a global service!

See our regions page to learn more about our geographical service coverage.

Instant promotion and rollback #

Additionally you can setup a pipeline for promotion and rollbacks, which will instantly update your project.

1ssh link project-prod project-d0131d4

A common way to perform promotions within pgs is to setup CI/CD so every git push to main would trigger a build and create a new project based on the git commit hash (e.g. project-d0131d4).

This command will create a symbolic link from project-prod to project-d0131d4. Want to rollback a release? Just change the link for project-prod to a previous project.

Here's an example using our github action.


Since we are just using rsync for static site deployments, all you need is a way to run that command in a CI environment.

We also built a github action that handles all the logic for uploading to pgs which includes support for promotions and static site retention.

basic #

 1name: "basic static site deployment"
 4  build:
 5    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
 6    steps:
 7      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
 8      - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1
 9        with:
10          deno-version: "~1.42"
11      - run: make build
13      - name: upload to pgs
14        uses: picosh/pgs-action@v3
15        with:
16          user: erock
17          key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
18          src: "./public/"
19          #
20          project: "myapp"

promotion and deployment retention policy #

With static site promotion using symbolic links and a site retention policy:

 1name: "promotion static site deployment"
 4  build:
 5    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
 6    steps:
 7      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
 8      - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1
 9        with:
10          deno-version: "~1.42"
11      - run: make build
13      - name: Set outputs
14        id: vars
15        run: echo "sha_short=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
17      - name: upload to pgs
18        uses: picosh/pgs-action@v3
19        with:
20          user: erock
21          key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
22          src: "./public/"
23          # git sha to create a project specific to this commit
24          project: "myapp-${{ steps.vars.outputs.sha_short }}"
25          # promote the project above to the "production" site
26          promote: "myapp"
27          # delete all sites matching this prefix ...
28          retain: "myapp-"
29          # ... except for the latest (1) deployment
30          retain_num: 1

preview apps #

 1name: "preview apps"
 4  pull_request:
 5    branches:
 6      - "main"
 9  build:
10    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
11    steps:
12      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
13      - uses: denoland/setup-deno@v1
14        with:
15          deno-version: "~1.42"
16      - run: make build
18      - name: upload to pgs
19        uses: picosh/pgs-action@v3
20        with:
21          user: erock
22          key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
23          src: "./public/"
24          # create a site based on pr
25          project: "myapp-pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}"

CLI Reference #

The best way to learn about all the commands we support is via an SSH command:

1ssh help

Having said that, we do want to demonstrate the power of pgs by discussing design goals. All of our SSH commands are safe-by-default. Meaning, they never mutate server state by default. This provides users an opportunity to experiment with our commands to see how they work. In order to actually trigger server mutations, every command must be appended with --write.

Further, we want to make sure users are able to manage their static sites exclusively from SSH commands. Below is list of features we support via SSH commands:

 1# storage usage stats
 2ssh stats
 4# list all projects (and their links)
 5ssh ls
 7# list all project dependencies
 8ssh depends project-x
10# link a project (e.g. folder symlink)
11ssh link project-x --to project-y
13# unlink a project
14ssh unlink project-x
16# delete a project
17ssh rm project-x
19# delete all projects matching a prefix
20# (except projects that have linked projects)
21ssh prune prefix
23# delete all projects matching a prefix
24# except the last N recently updated projects (defaults to 3).
25# doesn't count linked projects
26ssh retain prefix -n 3
28# set project to private to only you and matching public keys
29ssh acl project-x --type pubkeys --acl sha256:xxx
31# clear the http cache for a project
32ssh cache project-x

File denylist #

You can upload any file you want to pages, with a few exceptions.

Because any file uploaded to pages is public-by-default, we felt it necessary to automatically reject some files from being uploaded. At this point in time, we reject all files or files inside directories that start with a period .. Essentially, we reject all dotfiles. This is so users don't accidentally upload a .git folder or .env files. This is the equivalent rule in our .gitignore parser:


Override denylist #

Upload a _pgs_ignore to the root of each project. We are using the same rules as .gitignore using this parser.

If you want to allow all files without ignoring anything, add a _pgs_ignore with any comment:

# dont ignore files

Note: when uploading a _pgs_ignore, we cannot guarantee it will be uploaded first so we recommend uploading it on its own and then upload the rest of your site.

Pretty URLs #

By default we support pretty URLs. So there are some rules surrounding URLs that are important to understand.

For the route https://{user}-{project}, we will check for the following files:

  • /space
  • /space.html
  • /space/: 301 redirect to /space/index.html
  • /404.html

As you can see from the third entry, we add a trailing slash to all routes. This is a common practice with static sites in order to prevent having different behavior from visiting a site with and without a trailing slash.

Custom Domains #

We have a very easy-to-setup guide on custom domains.

Redirects and rewrites #

We support custom redirects and rewrites via a special file _redirects.

The _redirects file size cannot exceed 5KB.

# Redirect browser request to what we serve
/home                /
/blog/post.php       /blog/post
/news                /blog
/authors/c%C3%A9line /authors/about-c%C3%A9line

When no status is provided, we default to 301 Moved Permanently.

# Redirect with a 301
/home         /              301

# Redirect with a 302
/my-redirect  /              302

# Show a custom 404 for this path
/ecommerce    /store-closed  404

# Rewrite a path
/pass-through /index.html    200

Route Shadowing #

By default we do not shadow routes that exist. For example:

  • /space.html exists on your site,
  • with a _redirects entry /space / 301

If the user goes to /space then it will always prefer /space.html. You can override this preference by adding a force flag to your redirect entry:

/space   /   301!

Redirect www to apex domain #

A common requirement is to redirect "" to the apex domain "" or the other way around.

To accomplish this, we recommend you create a separate project with just a _redirects file inside of it.

  1. Create a _redirects file with a 301 to the apex domain:
1echo "/*  301" >> _www_redirects
2scp "$PWD/_www_redirects"
  1. Add a www CNAME and TXT record to point to www project

See our custom domains page.

Rewrites #

When you assign an HTTP status code of 200 to a redirect rule, it becomes a rewrite. This means that the URL in the visitor’s address bar remains the same, while pico's servers fetch the new location behind the scenes, effectively proxying the request.

We also support rewrite rules for when you want to show content from another site without a full URL redirect.

This can be useful for single page apps, proxying to other services, proxying to other pgs sites, or transitioning for legacy content.

Here are some examples:

/*                 200
/my-site/*         200
/news/:month/:date/:year/*  /blog/:year/:month/:date/:splat     200

Proxy to another service #

NOTICE: This is a premium pico+ feature.

Similar to how you can rewrite paths like /* to /index.html, you can also set up rules to let parts of your site proxy to external services. Let’s say you need to communicate from a single-page app with an API on that doesn’t support CORS requests. The following rule will let you use /api/ from your JavaScript client:

/api/*  200

Caveats #

  • Infinitely looping rules, where the "from" and "to" resolve to the same location, are incorrect and will be ignored.
  • By default, we limit internal rewrites to one "hop".
  • Rewrites can cause pages that use assets specified through relative paths to load incorrectly. To make sure your site's proxied content is displayed as expected, use absolute paths for your assets.
  • Paths handled by proxies may not redirect from HTTP to HTTPS URLs as expected. If you’re working with proxies, we recommend only publishing HTTPS URLs for your visitors to use.

Headers #

We support custom headers via a special file _headers.

The _headers file size cannot exceed 5KB.

# a path:
  # headers for that path:
  X-Frame-Options: DENY
  X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block
# another path:
  # headers for that path:
  X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
  X-Frame-Options: DENY
  X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block

Denied Headers #

These headers are not allowed:


Single-Page Applications #

We support SPAs! Upload a _redirects file to your project:

/*  /index.html  200

Reserved username project #

If you create a project with the same name as your username, then you can access it at:

1rsync -rv public/
2# =>

Access Control List #

Thanks to SSH tunnels we can provide restricted access to projects.

We have three options:

  • public (default)
  • pubkeys (list of sha256 public keys to give read access to)
  • pico (list of pico users to grant read access to)
 1# access to anyone with a public key
 2ssh acl project-x --type pubkeys
 4# access only to public keys provided
 5ssh acl project-x --type pubkeys --acl sha256:xxx --acl sha256:yyy
 7# access to anyone with a pico account
 8ssh acl project-x --type pico
10# access only to pico users provided
11ssh acl project-x --type pico --acl antonio --acl erock
13# access to anyone
14ssh acl project-x --type public

To connect to a private project:

1ssh -L 1337:localhost:80 -N {subdomain}
3# for example our pico UI is only available through an SSH tunnel:
4ssh -L 1337:localhost:80 -N

Then open your browser to http://localhost:1337

Caching #

To improve the page speed, pgs sites are cached for 10 minutes by default. This is controlled by the Cache-Control: max-age=600 header which you can override with a _headers file.

There are two levels of caching: server-side and client-side. The server-side cache is automatically cleared every time you upload files, but client-side caches only expire when max-age seconds pass, or if you force-reload or clear your browser cache manually.

In case of issues, you can manually clear the server-side cache with ssh cache project-name.

Removing a project #

The only way to delete a project and its contents is with our remote cli:

1ssh rm <project>

File upload caveats #

Everyone's static sites are stored inside our object store. In order for sftp and sshfs to work we need to emulate a folder structure. Object store's are just an object with a name prefix that resembles a folder structure. As such in order for empty folders to be traversed in an emulated filesystem, we need to create dummy files ._pico_keep_dir that let us keep a reference to an empty folder inside our object store. As such:

You cannot delete a project using sftp or sshfs commands

You must delete a project using the remote cli.

If you accidentally remove a site you will be stuck in a limbo state. The folder will still exist using sftp or sshfs. You can properly clean it up by running the rm command

Why do I see a prose project? #

The prose site is automatically generated when users upload images to their prose blog.

It is protected, meaning users are not allowed to delete it. For all intents and purposes users should just ignore it.

However, just know, if you make changes to this project it will effect your blog. So if you upload images to it then you'll be able to reference those images in your blog posts.

Create an account using only your SSH key.

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Built by LLC
206 E Huron St, Ann Arbor MI 48104